Monday 21 February 2011

Tahiti and Bora Bora

I wondered what I could put in this blog to describe what we have been doing during all these long sea days. Basically our mornings comprise firstly a quick snack in the cabin from Room Service then 45 minutes of Pilates in the gym courtesy of either John, Ben or Cullum. Then to Carmens at 1000hrs for 45 minutes of Line Dancing which is coming along and we enjoy immensely. Pity that as it is so popular and over 60 people attend every day, we really need a bigger venue.  Alex our  teacher is very patient. Then to Raffles to buy a Costa coffee and we have been joined regularly by some of our table companions for a chat. Thanks to Arnel for giving us extra biscuits! Then its 16 circuits of the Promenade Deck-a total of 5 miles taking 1.25 hours. Then its lunchtime and we try to relax in the afternoon, sometimes on deck in the lovely sunshine.
 Evenings have been very enjoyable because our table companions in the Alexandria Restaurant are great and the food is wonderful. We did try CafĂ© Bordeaux on a music night with Mike and Mavis early on in the voyage but were a little disappointed at the food and the service and it was difficult to hold a conversation over the music! The Pennant Grill under the stars was a different matter and we went with Mary and John and were very impressed with everything. We will be going again but with our table companions.
  On Thursday morning we woke early to find Aurora already alongside in Papeete the main town on Tahiti. We had not booked a tour so were unsure what to do but had noted that the next island of Moorea was supposed to have better beaches than on Tahiti. So what did we do? Bearing in mind we had just had 8 days at sea we decided to get back on another boat!! Must be mad! We just had time to catch the 0930 ferry and after only 30 minutes or so we arrived on Moorea. It was mayhem when we disembarked as everyone tried to get on the 2 local buses (one goes clockwise and the other anti clockwise) or get a taxi to the Sofitel or the Hilton or do an island tour. We finally decided to take a reasonable offer of a ride to a traditional Tahitian village with a beach and a show plus guaranteed return to the 1445 ferry. It was a great choice as the village was quiet, we were not forced to shop and the only sound on the beach was the roar of the surf on the reef half a mile away. The show was terrific with grass skirts and sarongs and fantastic music with an audience of no more than 15 people! And we made it back to the ferry which gave us time to wander round Papeete before going back on board. It has a few lovely shops but is pretty scruffy and the traffic is horrendous. We found a bar to sit and watch and it confirmed the view that Papeete is expensive! Back on board we enjoyed the sailaway as Aurora left behind those majestic mountains and negotiated that narrow gap in the reef.
  On the way back on the ferry we had our third disaster! My camera packed up-it must be worn out! Luckily we have our small backup camera to use while I see if it can be repaired. The first disaster was when we unpacked one suitcase on the first night aboard and the top of a small pot of tooth powder had come off and everything was covered! It seems funny now but was not at the time. The second occurred when we were driving along Copacabana beach and Brian sat on his prescription sunglasses and broke the frame. Amazing what superglue will stick but they are not very satisfactory.

  After yet another wonderful dinner and a show we woke on Friday morning to find Aurora in another paradise, anchored inside the reef in Bora Bora. Here we had decided to do an organized P&O tour which proved to be amazing. On shore before 0900 we boarded our motorized catamaran for 6.5 hours of amazing fun. We spent the day on the lagoon in seas bluer than you can imagine and totally circumnavigated the island. We saw the most amazing hotel bungalows standing in this lagoon ($500-2000 per night) and swam and snorkeled in the tropical sea. We swam with stingrays and yellow sharks in one location and with all sorts of colourful fishes in another. Then we had a tropical rainstorm for 30mins but the sun soon came out again. For lunch we stopped at a motu which is an island attached to the reef and ate chicken and tuna off handmade leaf plates while sitting at tables with our feet in the warm water and while fish swam around us, sometimes nibbling our legs. It was magical! Then we swam again in a netted off part of the lagoon with more stingrays, sharks, turtles and all kinds of fish. There were four crew members on this boat and they were tremendous fun and made the day even greater. Three of them played instruments like ukelelees and they all sang songs for the whole day-and we never tired of it! Unfortunately the day had to end and we were deposited back on the quayside at 1530 ready for our tender to the ship but we had had more than enough sun and many people were showing sore bits!

  By 1700 Aurora had weighed anchor, said goodbye to Royal Princess (soon to be renamed Adonia) and made its way through the narrow entrance in the reef, leaving this stunning island behind but also leaving us with wonderful memories. In another 2 days we will be in Pago Pago another tropical paradise!

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